Frequently asked questions
User interface
Data integration
Modelling and solver algorithm
How does frePPLe choose the language of the user interface?
The frePPLe web server detects the language settings of your browser. If any of the supported languages is in the list, the user interface will automatically be shown in that language. If none of the supported languages is accepted by your browser, English is used by default.
A user can override the detected language in the preferences screen.
I want frePPLe in my own language
FrePPLe is ready to plug in translations for additional languages. Follow the instructions on this page to create you own translations and submit them to the frePPLe team.
It’ll take you only a few hours to come up with the translations.
How can I import a model sent to me?
A model exported as a Excel workbook can be imported again from the execution screen. You should first erase any existing contents from the database before loading the workbook.
What is the solver algorithm in frePPLe?
The default solver is a heuristic solver. The algorithm orders all demands in order of priority and due date, and searches for each demand the best plan.
The steps for planning a demand are:
The algorithm first starts with a backward search: From the demand due date, we compute backward taking into account all lead times.
Material availability, capacity constraints, post-operation times, safety stock levels and alternate supply paths are all considered in this backward search.
If the backward search is not feasible with all post-operation times and safety stock respected, frePPLe will create a plan in which the post-operation times are shrunk and safety stock inventory targets are not met.
In other words these are considered soft constraints: we try to respect them if possible, but will create a plan that violates these if that is required to deliver the customer order on time.
When the backward search finds that the demand can’t be fulfilled at the due date at all, frePPLe switches to forward planning mode for that demand. The algorithm will try to minize the delay.
Material availability, capacity constraints, post-operation times, and alternate supply paths are all considered in this forward search.
The algorithm thus automatically switches between a backward and forward search. This results in a plan that minimizes late orders with low inventory levels.
You can experiment with this behavior by first creating a demand with a very late due date, and observe the plan created by the backward planning mode. When the due date is set to tomorrow, the plan will show the forward planning mode.
A more detailed description can be found here.
FrePPLe also allows external solvers to be implemented as plugins. For specific planning problems additional solvers can be developed.
Where will the solver do well? Where will it not work well?
There is no such thing as a generic algorithm that can solve all planning problems optimally and efficiently. Every solving algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses.
The frePPLe default solver is designed with discrete manufacturing environments in mind. In these environments material and capacity constraints are interacting with each other, and a plan is required that intelligently synchronizes the procurement of materials with the available capacity.
Some examples of planning problems where the frePPLe default solver is likely to fall short:
- Project planning:If your planning problem has one-of tasks with complex dependencies and timing constraints the solver needs to recognize and utilize the critical path information. Such logic is currently not implemented.
- Human resource planning:If your planning problems looks like a timetable where people need to be assigned to a set of tasks subject to a complex set of constraints and objectives, you’ll find that specialized solvers are doing a better job than frePPLe.
- Combinatorial problems:Some planning problems look like puzzles. A combinatorial search is required to achieve good plan quality in such environments. The heuristic rules used by the default solver will find a feasible solution fast, but it can be far from optimal.
How can I debug or trace the solver algorithm?
The level of detail in the planning file can be controlled with the parameter ‘plan.loglevel’. Setting this variable to ‘2’ will generate a full trace of the planning algorithm.
In the Enterprise Edition there are additional parameters ‘forecast.loglevel’ and ‘inventoryplanning.loglevel’ with the same purpose.
What are recommended PostgreSQL database settings?
See the Django documentation at
We highly recommend the pgtune tool to configure the database to your hardware capabilities.