Remote commands
All operations from the execution screen can also be launched and monitored remotely through a web service API.
The API endpoints can be accessed with any modern web tool or programming language using the following URLs. The examples are using the excellent curl command line tool.
Run a task on the default database:
curl -u <user>:<password> http(s)://<server>:<port>/execute/api/<command>/ --data "<argument1>=<value1>&<argument2>=<value2>"
Run a task on a scenario database:
curl -u <user>:<password> http(s)://<server>:<port>/<scenario>/execute/api/<command>/ --data "<argument1>=<value1>&<argument2>=<value2>"
Get the status of all running and pending tasks:
curl -u <user>:<password> http(s)://<server>:<port>/execute/api/status/
Get the status of a single task:
curl -u <user>:<password> http(s)://<server>:<port>/execute/api/status/?id=X
Cancel a waiting or running task:
curl -u <user>:<password> http(s)://<server>:<port>/execute/api/cancel/?id=X
The following commands are available.
All these APIs return a JSON object and they are asynchronous, i.e. they don’t wait for the actual command to finish. In case you need to wait for a task to finish, you will need to use a loop which periodically polls the /execute/api/status URL to monitor the status.
FrePPLe supports 2 methods for authentication of your user in this API:
- Basic authenticationSee for more details.With curl you use the argument
on the command line. - JSON Web TokenSee for more details.With curl you use the argument
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'
on the command line.
We strongly recommend the use of a HTTPS configuration of the frePPLe server when using this API. Without it your data and login credentials are sent unencrypted over the internet.
To illustrate the above concepts, this section shows a common workflow to upload new data in the frePPLe database and generate a new plan.
Delete previous data files.
Upload data files (in csv or excel format).
Import the data files into frePPLe.
Regenerate the plan with the new data.
This example uses linux bash and curl, but it can easily be coded in any other modern programming language.
#!/bin/bash server="localhost:8000" #declare -a filelist=("buffer.csv" "item.csv") id=0 output="" result="" #check the status of a task function checkstatus () { id=$1 if (($id>0)); then output=$(curl -u admin:admin http://$server/execute/api/status/?id=$id); else output=$(curl -u admin:admin http://$server/execute/api/status/); fi if [[ $output =~ .*Failed || $output =~ .*Done ]]; then output="break"; else output="wait"; fi echo $output } # you may delete all files or just the ones in the arguments # you will have to comment the delete all files locationstable # and uncomment the lines above function deletefiles () { #if you want to delete just the files that you will replace # for FILE1 in "${filelist[@]}"; do # FILE2=$(basename "$FILE1") # #spaces should be escaped in the URL # FILE2=${FILE2// /\%20} # result=$(curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin http://$server/execute/deletefromfolder/0/"$FILE2"/); # done #to delete all files in the folder result=$(curl -X DELETE -u admin:admin http://$server/execute/deletefromfolder/0/AllFiles/); } function waitTillComplete () { id=$1 until [[ $WAIT -eq 0 ]]; do if [[ "$(checkstatus $id)" =~ "break" ]]; then #show the result echo $(curl -u admin:admin http://$server/execute/api/status/?id=$id); break fi sleep "$WAIT_TIME" ((WAIT--)) done } # create the file list # if the argument is a directory it will add all the files there # If the arguments are files only these will be added for FILE0 in "$@"; do if [[ -d "${FILE0}" ]]; then cd "${FILE0}" filelist=(*.csv *.csv.gz *.xlsx) else filelist=( $filelist "$FILE0" ) fi done #delete files before echo -e "\n---------------start delete files----------------" deletefiles echo "---------------end delete files------------------" #upload the files in the list echo -e "\n---------------start upload files----------------" for FILE1 in "${filelist[@]}"; do #get filename without path FILE2=$(basename "$FILE1") if [[ ! "$FILE2" =~ \*.* ]]; then curl -X POST -F "$FILE2=@$FILE1" -u admin:admin http://$server/execute/uploadtofolder/0/ fi done echo -e "\n---------------end upload files------------------" #import the data in the files echo -e "\n---------------start import the data----------------" WAIT_TIME=10 #seconds WAIT=6 #times result=$(curl -X POST -u admin:admin http://$server/execute/api/importfromfolder/) id=$(echo "${result//[!0-9]/}") waitTillComplete $id echo "---------------end import the data------------------" #run the plan echo -e "\n---------------start planning----------------" WAIT_TIME=10 #seconds WAIT=6 #times result=$(curl -u admin:admin --data "constraint=15&plantype=1&env=fcst,invplan,balancing,supply" http://$server/execute/api/runplan/) id=$(echo "${result//[!0-9]/}") waitTillComplete $id echo "---------------end planning------------------"