Operation resources

Operation resources are used to model the capacity consumption of an operation.






Operation loading the resource.
This is a required field.



Resource being loaded.
This is a required field.



Skill required of the resource.
This field is optional.



Required quantity of the resource.
The default value is 1.0.
The use of the value is different per resource type:
  • Type ‘default’:
    The resource is used during the complete duration of the manufacturing order.
    If the resource has a size of 1 and the operationresource record has a quantity of 1, then only 1 operation can be planned in parallel.
  • Type ‘time buckets’ and ‘quantity buckets’:
    The total capacity consumed by a manufacturing order is equal to the (quantity_fixed + quantity * manufacturing order quantity) / efficiency.
    This quantity is consumed from the capacity bucket where the manufacturing order starts.



For a resource of type ‘time buckets’ or ‘quantity buckets’ the total capacity consumed by a manufacturing order is equal to the (quantity_fixed + quantity * manufacturing order quantity) / efficiency.
The default value is 0.0.



Date after which the resource load is valid.
Before this date the planned quantity is always 0.



Date at which the resource load becomes invalid.
After this date (and also at the exact date) the planned quantity is always 0.



Priority of the load, used in case of alternate load.
The default is 1. Lower numbers indicate more preferred loads.


non-empty string

Optional name of the load.
All loads with the same name are considered to be alternates of each other.


non-empty string

Name of the required setup on the resource.



Defines the order of preference among the alternate loads.
The valid choices are:
    Select the alternate with the lowest priority number.
    This is the default.
    Select the alternate which gives the lowest cost.
    The cost includes the cost of all upstream operations, resources and buffers.
    Select the alternate which gives the lowest penalty.
    The penalty includes the penalty of all penalties incurred in the upstream plan along the load.
    Select the alternate which gives the lowest sum of the cost and penalty.
    The sum is computed for the complete upstream path.

On default resources the resource is used during the complete duration of the operation.

On bucketized resources the capacity is consumed from the capacity bucket at a single moment of time. Different loading policies can be specified:

  • default:
    By default capacity is consumed at the start of the operation.
  • load_bucketized_end:
    A load of this type that loads a bucketized resource at a specified offset from the end date of the operation.
    An offset of 0 means loading the resource at the end of the operation.
    An offset of 1 day means loading the resource 1 day before the operation end date. If the operation takes less than 1 day we load the resource at the start date.
    The offset is computed based on the available periods of the operation, and skips unavailable periods.
  • load_bucketized_start:
    A load of this type loads a bucketized resource at a specified offset from the start date of the operation.
    An offset of 0 means loading the resource at the start of the operation.
    An offset of 1 day means loading the resource 1 day after the operation start date. If the operation takes less than 1 day we load the resource at the end date.
    The offset is computed using the available periods of the operation, and skips unavailable periods.
  • load_bucketized_percentage:
    A load of this type loads a bucketized resource at a percentage of the operation duration.
    An offset of 0 means loading the resource at the start of the operation.
    An offset of 100 means loading the resource at the end of the operation.
    The calculations consider the available periods of the operations, and skip unavailable periods.