Forecast measures

Forecast measures define numeric value that are stored for specified item + location + customer + time bucket combinations.

FrePPLe provides a number of standard measures. With this table you can add project-specific values to manage more complex demand forecasting processes and workflows.

The measures are visible and editable in the Forecast editor, Forecast report and Inventory planning screen.


After any change to this table, you should regenerate the plan to assure the planning engine works with the latest definitions of the measures.






non-empty string

A unique name.
The measure data are stored using this key in the database. Only alfanumeric characters are allowed.



The string used in the user interface. This will be translated automatically to the language configured in your browser.



Free text description.



Define the storage and calculation behavior this measure.

  • Aggregate
    At higher levels of the item, location, customer and time hierarchies the value of this measure is computed as the sum of all children.
    Edits at higher levels are disaggregated to all children, proportional to the existing value of each child.
    Examples: total sales, total sales value…
  • Local
    The value of such measures is only valid at the item, location, customer and time period where it is defined.
    Examples: cost, price, margin…
  • Computed (beta-state)
    The value of these measures is computed with the expression specified in the compute-expression field.
    Examples: forecasttotalvalue = forecasttotal * cost



Visibility and editability policy for the current and past time periods.

  • Edit: Read and write access

  • View: Read-only access.

  • Hide: Don’t allow user to display the value.



Visibility and editability policy for the current and future time periods.

  • Edit: Read and write access

  • View: Read-only access.

  • Hide: Don’t allow user to display the value.



Controls how the values should be displayed.

Accepted values are “number” (default) and “currency”.



Specifies whether fractional numbers are acceptable for this measure or not.



Specifies the value for the measure when it is left unspecified for a certain item + location + customer + time bucket combinations.

0 is the default value.

If the default value is -1, unspecified cells will display as an empty cell.

compute expression


For computed measures, this expression defines how the value is computed.

The expression can use the following:

  • All standard and custom measures

  • All item attribute with a function call: item(“myattribute”)

  • All location attributes with a function call: location(“myattribute”)

  • All customer attributes with a function call: customer(“myattribute”)

  • Mathematical operators: +, -, *, /, %, ^

  • Equality & Inequality operators: =, ==, <>, !=, <, <=, >, >=

  • Logic operators: and, mand, mor, nand, nor, not, or, shl, shr, xnor, xor, true, false

  • Mathematical functions: abs, avg, ceil, clamp, equal, exp, floor, frac, log, log10, log2, logn, max, min, mul, ncdf, nequal, root, round, roundn, sgn, sqrt, sum, swap, trunc

  • Control structures: if-then-else, ternary conditional, switch-case

Here are some concrete examples:

  • round(forecastoveride * item(“cost”))

  • if(forecastoveride != -1, forecastoverride, forecastbaseline)

  • if (x, y, z)

  • if (x > y) z; else w;

  • if (x > y) z; else if (w != u) v; else a;

  • x ? y : z

  • switch { case x: y; case a: b; default: i }

update expression


Currently unused.