Docker container

Basic installation

Use one of the following command to bring the frePPLe image to your local docker repository:

# Community Edition
docker pull

# Enterprise Edition: download image from portal and load into your registry
docker load --input frepple*.tar
The container includes the frePPLe planning software, plus a web server.
It does NOT include the required PostgreSQL database, which needs to provided as a separate service: see below.

The image can be extended and customized using the following:

  • The container exposes port 80 for HTTP access.

  • The following environment variables configure the access to the PostgreSQL database:

      Required. Points to IP address or name of the host running the database.
      TCP port of the database. Defaults to “5432”.
      Database role or user. Defaults to “frepple”.
      Password for the database role or user. Defaults to “frepple”.
  • The following volumes let you access all logs, configuration and license files:

    • /etc/frepple:
      Contains the main configuration file and the license file license.xml (for the Enterprise Edition).
    • /var/log/frepple:
      Contains log files of the application.
    • /var/log/apache2:
      Log files of the web server.
  • The entry point of the container can be customized by placing files in the folder /etc/frepple/entrypoint.d

  • Custom code can be added to the container by inheriting from this image. A section below illustrates how this is done.

Deployment with external PostgreSQL database

The example below creates a container that is using the PostgreSQL database installed on the Docker host server. The container is called frepple-community-local, and you can access it with your browser on the URL http://localhost:9000/

docker run \
  -e POSTGRES_HOST=host.docker.internal \
  -e POSTGRES_PORT=5432 \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=frepple \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=frepple \
  --name frepple-community-local \
  --publish 9000:80 \
  --detach \

Deployment with docker compose

Here is a sample docker-compose file that defines 2 containers: 1) a postgres container to run the database and 2) a frepple web application server.

You access the application with your browser on the URL http://localhost:9000/

The frepple log and configuration files are put in volumes (which allows to reuse them between different releases of the frepple image).

Note that the postgres database container comes with default settings. For production use you should update the configuration with the pgtune recommendations from (use “data warehouse” as application type and also assure the max_connections setting is moved from the default 100 to eg 400).


    image: "frepple-community:latest"
    container_name: frepple-community-webserver
      - 9000:80
      - frepple-community-postgres
      - backend
      - log-apache-community:/var/log/apache2
      - log-frepple-community:/var/log/frepple
      - config-frepple-community:/etc/frepple
      POSTGRES_HOST: frepple-community-postgres
      POSTGRES_PORT: 5432
      POSTGRES_USER: frepple
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: frepple

    image: "postgres:13"
    container_name: frepple-community-postgres
      - backend
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: frepple
      POSTGRES_DB: frepple
      POSTGRES_USER: frepple



Deployment with Kubernetes

A set of Kubernetes configuration files is available on

Create a copy of these files on your machine. Then run the following commands to deploy frepple.

kubectl apply -f frepple-deployment.yaml,frepple-postgres-deployment.yaml,frepple-networkpolicy.yaml

The following resources are then defined in your cluster:

  • A frepple service that runs the frepple planning engine and an Apache web server. It exposes port 80 for HTTP access to the application.

  • A postgresql service to store the frepple data.

  • Persistent volumes to store the web server logs (50MB), the application logs (100MB) and the postgresql data (1GB).

  • A network policy to keep the connection between frepple and its postgres database private.

Deployment with custom extension apps

Extending the container with your customizations is simple by inheriting from the frePPLe image. Here is a an example dockerfile that adds a new frePPLe app (coded as a Python package):

FROM frepple-enterprise:latest

COPY my-requirements.txt /
COPY my-python-package /

# Add the license key for the Enterprise Edition to the container
COPY license.xml /etc/frepple

# Install python dependencies and package
RUN python3 -m pip install -r my-requirements.txt && \
  python3 my-python-package/ install

# Update the configuration file with extra settings
RUN echo "MYAPPSETTING=True" >> /etc/frepple/

Running frepplectl commands on a container

It is possible to execute a frepplectl command (or any linux command) on a running container.

docker exec -it <container name> frepplectl importfromfolder

docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash