Python API¶

FrePPLe uses the Python programming language in two different ways:

  • First there is the web application.
    It is written in Python, using the django framework.
  • Second, the planning engine (which is written in C++) embeds a Python interpreter.
    Using python you can directly read, create and update all objects in the C++ engine.

To learn about the first usage, check out the page Creating an extension app

For the second usage, here’s a simple annotated example of a Python script that is executed by the planning engine:

# Loads the planning engine as a Python module.
import frepple

# Use the standard Python module to read a CSV-formatted text file
import csv
with open('products.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
  csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
  for row in csvreader:
    # The next line creates an item object in the frePPle core
    # planning engine.
    frepple.item(name=row[0], description=row[1])

# Call the planning engine solver to create a fully constrained plan
frepple.solver_mrp(plantype=1, constraints=15, loglevel=2).solve()

# Echo the plan results to the screen: load of all resources
for i in frepple.resources():
  for j in i.loadplans:
    print(,, j.quantity, j.startdate, j.enddate)

# Echo the plan resultsto the screen: inventory profile of all buffers
for i in frepple.buffers():
  for j in i.flowplans:
    print(,, j.quantity,, j.onhand)

You can execute a Python script either from the planning engine’s executable frepple(.exe), or you can run it from the standard Python executable and load the planning engine as an extension module.

There are plenty of sample Python scripts available: