Command line

Tasks from the execution screen can also be launched from the command line with the frepplectl utility.


frepplectl subcommand [options] [args]

Type ‘ help <subcommand>’ for help on a specific subcommand.

The options will vary from command to command. There are a number of common options:

  • –database=DATABASE:
    Specifies which scenario database to run the command for. When left unspecified the command will run on the production database.
    The database names are defined in the Note that they can be different from the name of the database name configured in postgresql.
  • -v VERBOSITY, –verbosity=VERBOSITY:
    Verbosity level: 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output.
  • -h, –help:
    Show a help message either showing all commands or help on a specific command.

A number of these commands are inherited from the excellent Django web application framework used by frePPLe. More details on the commands can be found on