Using the connector in frePPLe

The odoo integration brings new functionality to the user interface.

  • Task “Import data from Odoo”
    The execute screen has an import data from odoo command that allows to import the Odoo data in frePPLe database and then generate a plan.
    Import data from odoo
    The connector distinguishes different modes to retrieve data from Odoo. This allows us to schedule the interfacing of larger and/or slowly changing data volumes (eg sales order history over the last few years as required for the forecast calculation) from the extraction of data elements that need to be retrieved whenever the plan is generated (eg open sales orders, current inventory).
    Using the argument odoo_read_1 or odoo_read_2 specific the requested data extraction mode. By default all data elements are extracted in mode 1. It requires customization of the Odoo addon to define for which data elements you want to use mode 2.
  • Task “Export data to Odoo”
    The execute screen has an import data from odoo command that allows to import the Odoo data in frePPLe database and then generate a plan.
    The plan exported to odoo is a subset of the plan which passes certain filter conditions. The remaining part of the plan can only be exported manually from frePPLe to Odoo: see below.
    Export data to odoo
    The default command will export the following parts of the plan to odoo:
    • proposed purchase orders starting within the next 7 days

    • proposed distribution orders starting within the next 7 days

    • proposed manufacturing orders starting within the next 7 days

    • rescheduled new dates for approved work orders

    In practice we have seen that implementation projects have different requirements, and this command very often needs to be customized.
  • An incremental export from the frePPLe user interface for individual purchase, manufacturing and distribution orders.
    Users select a number of proposed tranactions, and click the “export to odoo” button. This immediately creates the matching transaction in odoo.
    A typical usage is to automatically export the proposed purchase for cheap or fast moving items, and let the planner review and approve the proposed plan in frePPLe for expensive or slow moving items.
    Exporting individual transactions to odoo