Using a Dev-Container

The instructions on this page describe how to start developing from a Dev-Container in your host machine.

This is the recommended and fastest way to start developing in frePPLe.

In the folder “.devcontainer” you will find the devcontainer json file. This file points to a Dockerfile where the container image is defined.

  1. As a prerequisite, you must be familar with:

    • You will need to install this on your machine.
    • Install it on your machine and enable also the Dev Containers extension.
      We have not validated the dev container with other IDEs.
    • Install it on your machine OR use the docker-compose command below to run it in a docker in docker container.
  2. Pick up the latest code from the repository:

    git clone <project_directory>
  3. Initialize the build environment

    Make sure you have VS Code with Dev Containers extension installed.

    When you open the project folder VS Code should prompt you to start the Dev-Container. This should trigger a series of steps and can take a couple of minutes.

    If VS Code does not prompt you to use the Dev Container you may need to run the VS Code command “reopen in container”.

    If you are starting from a fresh image the C++ code compilation will be triggered. The CMakeLists.txt file has some logic to detect your Linux distribution and configure the build script.

    The initialization step will also check for all required build software and report any missing packages.

  4. Optional, Build the software

    The previous step should have already done the compilation but, in case you need to do it yourself, the instructions are simple.

    In VS Code, with the cmake extension installed, just build the “frepple-main” target.

  5. Optional, start a DB container.

    If you do not have postgresql installed on your host machine this step will run it in a docker container with persistent data. The data is stored in your home folder inside “freppledata” folder.

    In a terminal window in your host machine:

    cd <project_directory>/.devcontainer
    docker-compose up

    If the DB is fresh you must not forget to create all the tables by running (in a Dev-Container terminal):

    cd <project_directory>
    ./ migrate

    If the DB cannot be found you should check the IP address of your Dev-Container. It should be something like and, in this case, for the Dev-Container your host machine is at This address should be in your “” DB settings or, even better, in a “” file where you can override the default djangosettings values.

  6. Start frePPLe server:

    If the DB tables are already present you can start the development server:

    cd <project_directory>
    ./ runserver

    At this point you should be able to open from a browser in the host machine.

    If you get an error like django is missing, this means that probably the Python venv did not start or that dependencies are missing. To solve this issue please refer to “Build the software” step. The “./ runserver” command should now work.

    You are ready to start developing.