Constraint report

This report shows for each demand the reason(s) why it is planned short or late.

It can also be used to show all demands that are delayed or short because of a certain bottleneck resource or material.

This information is extremely valuable in understanding why the planning algorithm came up with the resulting plan.




Demand impacted by this constraint.


Constraint type causing the lateness or shortness:

  • Operation before current:
    The demand was planned late (or short) because of a lead time constraint.
    The operation should have been started some time ago in the past to deliver the demand on time.
  • Capacity overload:
    The demand was planned late (or short) because of a capacity shortage on a resource.
  • Operation before fence
    The demand was planned late (or short) because a new replenishment would need to be proposed with the release fence.
  • Await supply
    The demand was planned late (or short) because we are awaiting an existing confirmed or approved replenishment.


Description of the constraint.


A number expressing the seriousness of the constraint.


Date at which the constraint starts.


Date at which the constraint ends.

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Can view constraint report

Constraint report Reasons why a demand is planned late or short