Inventory report

The report shows per buffer and per time bucket the inventory profile: the starting inventory, the material consumed, the material produced and the ending inventory.

If the report is opened for a single buffer an inventory graph is displayed.

The rows in the report are defined such that following equations apply:
End inventory = Start inventory + Total produced – Total consumed
Start inventory = End inventory of the previous time bucket
Total produced = Produced by MO + Produced by PO + Produced by DO
Total consumed = Consumed by MO + Consumed by DO + Consumed by SO




Item stored in the buffer.


Location of the buffer.

Start inventory

Inventory in the buffer at the start of the time bucket.

Start inventory days of cover

Shows how many days of demand is covered with the starting inventory.
In other words, it shows when will you run out of stock without new replenishments.

Safety stock

The safety stock at the start of the time bucket.

Inventory status

Represents the delay for unprotected buffers (community version or buffers without inventory policy) otherwise represents the buffer inventory status

Total produced

Quantity replenished into the buffer during the time bucket.
A drill down menu is available to see the detail of the supplying operations, and to see the demands the produced material is used for.
Total produced = total produced confirmed + total produced proposed

Total produced confirmed

Quantity produced into the buffer during the time bucket by confirmed and approved operations.
Total produced confirmed = total produced by MO confirmed + total produced by PO confirmed + total produced by DO confirmed

Total produced proposed

Quantity produced into the buffer during the time bucket by proposed operations.
Total produced confirmed = total produced by MO proposed + total produced by PO proposed + total produced by DO proposed

Produced by MO

Displays the quantity replenished by manufacturing orders.
Produced by MO = Produced by MO proposed + Produced by MO confirmed

Produced by MO confirmed

Displays the quantity replenished by confirmed and approved manufacturing orders.

Produced by MO proposed

Displays the quantity replenished by proposed manufacturing orders.

Produced by PO

Displays the quantity replenished by purchase orders.
Produced by PO = Produced by PO proposed + Produced by PO confirmed

Produced by PO confirmed

Displays the quantity replenished by confirmed and approved purchase orders.

Produced by PO proposed

Displays the quantity replenished by proposed purchase orders.

Proposed ordering

Displays the quantity of the proposed POs that need to be purchased in this time bucket.

Produced by DO

Displays the quantity replenished by distribution orders.
Produced by DO = Produced by DO proposed + Produced by DO confirmed

Produced by DO confirmed

Displays the quantity replenished by confirmed and approved distributrion orders.

Produced by DO proposed

Displays the quantity replenished by proposed distributrion orders.

Total consumed

Quantity consumed from the buffer during the time bucket.
A drill down menu is available to see the detail of the consuming operations, and to see the demands the consumed material is used for.
Total consumed = total consumed confirmed + total consumed proposed

Total consumed confirmed

Quantity consumed from the buffer during the time bucket by confirmed and approved operations.
Total consumed confirmed = total consumed by MO confirmed + total consumed by PO confirmed + total consumed by DO confirmed

Total consumed proposed

Quantity consumed from the buffer during the time bucket by proposed operations.
Total consumed proposed = total consumed by MO proposed + total consumed by PO proposed + total consumed by DO proposed + consumed by SO

Consumed by MO

Displays the quantity consumed by manufacturing orders.
Consumed by MO = consumed by MO proposed + consumed by MO confirmed

Consumed by MO proposed

Displays the quantity consumed by proposed manufacturing orders.

Consumed by MO confirmed

Displays the quantity consumed by confirmed & approved manufacturing orders.

Consumed by DO

Displays the quantity consumed by distribution orders.
Consumed by DO = consumed by DO proposed + consumed by DO confirmed

Consumed by DO proposed

Displays the quantity consumed by proposed distribution orders.

Consumed by DO confirmed

Displays the quantity consumed by confirmed & approved distribution orders.

Consumed by SO

Displays the quantity consumed by sales orders.

Consumed by Fcst

Displays the quantity consumed by forecast.

Net forecast

The net forecast for that time bucket.

Open sales orders

The open sales orders with a due date in that time bucket.

Total demand

The total demand due in that time bucket.
Total demand = Open sales orders + Net forecast.

Total in progress

Sum of the manufacturing/purchase/distribution order quantities in progress.
The shipping/starting date of the order must be before the end date
of the time bucket and the receiving/enddate of the order must be after the end date of the time bucket to be considered in progress.
Total in progress = Total in progress confirmed + Total in progress proposed

Total in progress confirmed

Work in progress confirmed = Work in progress MO confirmed + In transit DO confirmed + On order PO confirmed

Total in progress proposed

Work in progress proposed = Work in progress MO proposed + In transit DO proposed + On order PO proposed

Work in progress MO

Sum of the manufacturing order quantities in progress in that time bucket.
Work in progress MO = Work in progress MO confirmed + Work in progress MO proposed

Work in progress MO proposed

Sum of the proposed manufacturing order quantities in progress in that time bucket.

Work in progress MO confirmed

Sum of the confirmed and approved manufacturing order quantities in progress in that time bucket.

On order PO

Sum of the purchase order quantities on order in that time bucket.
On order PO = On order PO confirmed + On order PO proposed

On order PO confirmed

Sum of the confirmed and approved purchase order quantities on order in that time bucket.

On order PO proposed

Sum of the proposed purchase order quantities on order in that time bucket.

In transit DO

Sum of the distribution order quantities in transit in that time bucket.
In transit DO = In transit DO confirmed + In transit DO proposed

In transit DO confirmed

Sum of the confirmed and approved distribution order quantities in transit in that time bucket.

In transit DO proposed

Sum of the proposed distribution order quantities in transit in that time bucket.

End inventory

Inventory in the buffer at the end of the time bucket.
A drill down menu is available to see the detail of the consuming and producing operations, and to see the demands the consumed material is used for.

Total backlog

The total quantity of demand due in the past that is still to be planned.
Total backlog = Order backlog + Forecast backlog

Order backlog

The total quantity of sales orders due in the past that is still to be planned.

Forecast backlog

The total quantity of forecast due in the past that is still to be planned.

Related permissions

Can view inventory report

Inventory report for a single buffer Inventory report as a graph Inventory report as a table